Newspaper Name : Portland Observer

About us : The Portland Observer is Victoria's third oldest newspaper, established in 1842. A seaside village has transformed into a hub of industrial development with a world class, deep water port that is home to pleasure craft as well as the fishing fleet. The Port of Portland provides the only shipping port between Port Phillip Bay and Adelaide and has the facilities capable of handling the berthing of all types of bulk and general cargo vessels. The $1.5 billion Alcoa (Portland Aluminium) smelter is the largest single employer in the region with over 800 staff.

Publication Locations :Portland, Heywood, Dartmoor, Yambuk, Casterton, Coleraine, Dartmoor, Digby, Hamilton, Heywood, Macarthur, Merino, Mt. Gambier, Port Fairy, Portland of VIC

Publication Day :Tuesday and Friday

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