Newspaper Name : Colac Herald

About us : The Colac Herald has been serving, informing and promoting Colac and district since the 1860s, with a vibrant mixture of news, sport, advertising and special features. Colac nestles on the edge of Lake Colac, the largest natural freshwater lake in Victoria, which hosts a rich diversity of birdlife as well as recreational pursuits such as yachting, rowing, fishing and more. The upgrade of the Princes Highway to a dual carriageway freeway has opened up opportunities, by improving access between Colac and Melbourne, while increased train services are also helping the community grow. Colac is in the heart of one of Australia's most vibrant and productive regions, with thriving agricultural and timber industries, a diverse mix of manufacturers, offices for government agencies and an enterprising private sector. Major employers in Colac include the Australian Lamb Company, AKD Softwoods, Bulla Dairy Foods, pallet manufacturer CMTP, Colac Area Health, Colac Otway Shire Council and the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority. Reliable rainfall and fertile soils ensure that farming remains a solid backbone for the region's economy, particularly dairy farming, beef, cropping, sheep and plantation timber. Tourism continues to grow, with close proximity to the stunning Great Ocean Road, lush Otway Ranges rainforests and waterfalls, quaint towns offering fine-dining restaurants, wineries, breweries and boutique shopping experiences and the picturesque volcanic plans and lakes area.

Publication Locations :Colac, Winchelsea, Lorne, Wye River, Skeens Creek, Apollo Bay, Cobden, Simpson, Timboon, Cororooke, Coragulac, Beeac, Cressy of VIC

Publication Day :Monday, Wednesday and Friday

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