
Newspaper Name : Cairns Local News

About Us: Cairns Local News is a 100% independently owned and operated newspaper and digital publisher. We have a strong focus upon community news, because we serve our community and reflect the needs and wants our our local community. Cairns Local News also publishes regional, state and national news relevent to and reflective of our readers. We aim to be informative, entertaining and inclusive of all voices within Far North Queensland Publishing weekly, Friday, Cairns Local News is ideally suited to inform readers as to the coming weekend, provide advertisers a platform to market for weekend business and also we reach the lounge room on the ideal day allowing our large and regular readership an opportunity to plan for their coming weekend.

Suburb: Babinda

Publication Day: Friday

Newspaper Name : The Courier-Mail

About Us: Welcome to Brisbane and Queensland’s No.1 source of news, sport and analysis of the big issues affecting our state. An influential voice in Queensland politics and the state’s first newspaper, The Courier-Mail was founded in 1846 as the Moreton Bay Courier, as it was known then. In 1861 it became a daily newspaper and in 1864 was renamed the Brisbane Courier. One of the paper’s many competitors over the years, The Daily Mail was launched in Brisbane in 1903. It did not remain a competitor for long; in 1933 The Courier-Mail was formed through the merger of The Courier and The Daily Mail, and Queensland Newspapers Pty Ltd was born. In 1987, News Corp acquired Queensland Newspapers. The Courier-Mail website was launched in 1998 and in 2006 the paper moved from a broadsheet to compact format. The paper’s online and print operations merged in 2008.

Suburb: Babinda

Publication Day: Monday to Saturday

Newspaper Name : Wet Tropic Times

About Us: The Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism strives to facilitate and create economic opportunities for our members and the broader business community. More importantly, the Hinchinbrook Chamber aims to empower local businesses with the skills, information, representation and support they require to capitalise on each opportunity that arises. Members enjoy being part of the solution and supporting the community, but there are many tangible benefits provided via membership that businesses can take advantage of.

Suburb: Babinda

Publication Day: Thursday