About Us: Welcome to Brisbane and Queensland’s No.1 source of news, sport and analysis of the big issues affecting our state.
An influential voice in Queensland politics and the state’s first newspaper, The Courier-Mail was founded in 1846 as the Moreton Bay Courier, as it was known then.
In 1861 it became a daily newspaper and in 1864 was renamed the Brisbane Courier.
One of the paper’s many competitors over the years, The Daily Mail was launched in Brisbane in 1903. It did not remain a competitor for long; in 1933 The Courier-Mail was formed through the merger of The Courier and The Daily Mail, and Queensland Newspapers Pty Ltd was born.
In 1987, News Corp acquired Queensland Newspapers.
The Courier-Mail website was launched in 1998 and in 2006 the paper moved from a broadsheet to compact format.
The paper’s online and print operations merged in 2008.
Suburb: Yarrawonga
Publication Day: Monday to Saturday
Newspaper Name : Townsville Bulletin
About Us: The Townsville Bulletin has been a part of the lives of North Queenslanders since 1881.
It is a genuine privilege to be associated with a community such as this one, which is progressive, vibrant, inclusive and warm. But with this sense of belonging comes an enormous responsibility to produce a newspaper which is a mirror of the values and ambitions of the twin cities and the people who live in them.
We are committed to accurately recording the events that shape your lives: the highs, the lows, the laughs, the tears and the frequent successes. Through the coverage of local, national and international events, we aim to inform, entertain and lead public debate, always with an unspoken charter of looking after your interests.
The Townsville Bulletin is circulated North to Tully, South to Proserpine and as far West as Mount Isa.